How to Make Your Bullet Journal Look Pretty

May 6, 2019


Bullet journals are, in my opinion, the most fun way to stay organized and plan out your life. You can keep track of goals, make lists, and doodle away!

So how do you make your bullet journal look pretty? Where do you start?

There are a few ways you can turn your plain and simple notebook into a bullet journal you will love to use.

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Use Pinterest and Instagram for Inspiration

Bullet journal with wreath

The first thing I do before I start designing a new page, is to browse through Pinterest or Instagram. I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated just to bullet journal ideas. Then I can use what other people have designed to get ideas and see how it fits with what I’m trying to do.


Remember, this is not to compare what you can do with what other people have done. People have different talents and tastes, so do what you love!


Try Different Fonts and Lettering

Since there will probably be a lot of writing in your bullet journal, it makes sense to make your words pretty! Try mixing up different fonts and sizes on your pages. If you are good at hand lettering, use your talents!

Again, Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration for different fonts. Just do a search for “popular fonts” or “girly lettering” or whatever kind of look you are going for.


doodles of Italy destinations

There are so many creative and beautiful ways you can decorate the pages of your bullet journal. For example, you can use:

  • Stickers
  • Doodles and drawings
  • Colored pencils and markers
  • Washi tape
  • Stencils
  • Photos

And that’s just a few ideas! Add colorful washi tape to frame your writing. Fill in the blank spaces with stickers and doodles.

I personally love to add doodles and drawings with my ink pens. I use Sakura Pigma Micron pens and they are amazing!

Seriously these are the BEST black ink pens I’ve ever used, and I will buy them again when mine run out of ink.

Rose sketch with sakura pigma micron black ink pens

Be Organized

One the main points of keeping a bullet journal is to keep track of your tasks and goals for the day, the week, etc. There are plenty of ways you can do this.

rainbow colored pencils

Tables and charts are a great way to keep everything organized in your bullet journal. Some people have a color-coded key in the front of their journal for when they are filling out these charts.

I also love to make lists in my bullet journal. Something about listing out my thoughts and ideas helps me to keep things organized on paper and in my head.

However, maybe you aren’t an organized person. Maybe you just started this bullet journal for the heck of it and you just want to be creative. Then do it!

It’s your journal, so make it the way you want it to be. Have fun creating something you want to look at and then you are more likely to actually keep doing it.

Is there something different you do to make your bullet journal look pretty? I would love to hear any ideas you have in the comments!

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Look Pretty


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